L ' AGCOM namely' Authority for Communications in the person of its chairman Corrado CalabrĂ², published online in PDF and HTML, the measure anti-piracy that after 60 days of public consultation will become a reality. For the protection of copyright and to protect the interest of holders copyright , but at the same time to increase security , the new project is open to comments and feedback industry experts and individuals to improve in view of officialdom. Let's see what provides .
L ' AGCOM did not think - as some had suggested - a kind of model like that Hadopi measure that the French government which threatened the disconnection of the network to the third offense of piracy of protected content .
We AGCOM (who recently has regulated the Web-TV) and think more for those who hold the rights, so as to protect and follow the steps to invoke the power of justice : once reported and verified pirate nature of a site, the authorities will intervene in a way still But to understand. The proposal was well received internally by a unanimous vote of the Council of the Authority . So
zero complaints and zero targeted checks on users, but a relationship more solid and close to the holders of the right and ready and decided against an intervention portals - rather than the individual - that go against rules, according to questa procedura: contatto tra detentore e sito irregolare entro 48 ore interviene nel caso l’AGCOM e successivamente, rimozione dei contenuti .
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