Saturday, December 18, 2010

Is A Pain In The Anus Noramal

Emerald Lake

Emerald Lake, is located in north end of the valley to m .1001, and has an area of \u200b\u200b10 thousand square meters. It 's a reservoir which, when placed in the alpine zone, increases the charm and beauty; recently made (1964) blocking the course of the River Fund, the lake has become the pride of the community. The lake offers a small, sandy beach for those who want to relax in the sun or cool off in the lake. At the lake you can easily get in the car but is particularly attractive to the lake on foot from the town of the Fund. The narrow valley of the Mills - promenade Burrone - is the narrow gorge 300 m deep 60m long, which connects the center of town (the church) to lake. It 'a spectacular gorge carved by the Rio Sass with concretions, potholes and fossils. The path carved into the rock and is also equipped with comfortable walkways illuminated at night. Along the route you can admire an old wash house, the Roman bridge, the reconstruction of an old mill.


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