sell up to 25 thousand fans guaranteed. The service can be done in various ways depending on your budget and expectations. Some time ago, a forum on social marketing, this ad appeared . The proposal is clear: buy supporters guaranteed, and all real Italian for your Facebook page or - why not - to that of a client. The cost? So much per pound: to be precise 0.018 euro cents per fan.
Indeed, the packages are already in place: a thousand fans to € 18, € 90 to 5 thousand, 10 thousand to 180 €. Payment via Paypal to work done for the least expensive, 50% and 50% after the first for the other two bids. Without asking what value can never have bought a fan , we can get to see the enthusiasm of the page counter mad and we throw in the adventure. I want a thousand more fans too!
We contact the manager and ask some more explanation. The answer is simple: " We are a group of friends, we suggest to countless fans and based on the statistics we know the incidence of adhesions. That's it! . In short, they invented a business using the two basic rules of Facebook. One is the unspoken rule of " on Facebook if I get a hint, half the time without looking at what is acceptable" . The other is the syndrome fans: "They are the coolest only if I have more fans than you, I have to increase them at all costs" . The idea is great, the service cost negligible. But it really work? We give our
pusher fan the name of the page you want to run: it is a musical group in the province, known for nothing at the national level, which has 874 supporters on Facebook. It is November 18.
The first day does not happen anything. Mark, with whom we feel to mail, we apologize for the delay, and a request to talk on the phone niche. The smell of pack is around the corner, but since we have not put a penny and we have nothing to lose by waiting. Passed more than a week, contacted them, we want to know who they are, how many and what they think of doing. No response to curiosity, but with apologies promise to start with the suggestions by December 1. After four days we go to check: 1187 fan. The day after becoming 1245.
In the days after the owners of the page, we warned not gasarsi too saw that it was all the result of a sale, they begin to lose your head :
Calcolatrice alla mano sono 313 fan nei primi quattro giorni di suggerimenti. 58 acquisiti nelle 24 ore seguenti. Con ritmo sempre più vorticoso si arriverà al risultato promesso in 20 giorni. E, anzi, lo si supererà: il 20 dicembre la pagina ha 1933 fan garantiti, reali e italiani , il giorno dopo 1946. Sono 1072 fan in 21 giorni .
Un bel colpo. Proviamo a contattare Mark e soci (o, come firmano spesso le mail, Mark & co ) per un’intervista coi fiocchi.
Ci è venuta la sana curiosità di sapere cosa fanno, Who are these entrepreneurs of Web 2.0, which the face of precarious had a brilliant idea and can even put it into practice. It would also be interesting to see how many others like us, have responded to the advertiser to enjoy the fame induction. But the answer is dry: "We are not available for information: sorry." Even insisting, they refuse to talk to Too bad. We call the owners of the page used for testing, needless to say that they feel celebrity perfume. That fans have been bought does not matter: they are many and this is enough. It is the magical power of Facebook.
Resta solo una domanda. A lavoro finito, Mark e soci come pensano di potersi parare da eventuali bidonate? Come si tutelano da gente che, per parlar chiaro, prende i fan e scappa ? Semplice, se il pagamento non arriva entro un paio di giorni, parte il ricatto che smaschera trucco :
Conviene pagare, o i messaggi urlati continuano a comparire in bacheca. Non che sia un problema per i fan, visto che gran parte sono arrivati un po’ a caso. Però diventa un po’ più complicato tirarsela con amici e clienti.