Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Hacked Pokemon Rom Sources For Cydia

Ugl ScuolaSicilia:- Reclutamento personale docente- Mascolo incontra il capogruppo al Senato della Lega Nord il Sen. Mario Pittoni!!!

On 27/02/2011, a delegation Ugl School, led by National Secretary Joseph Mascolo has met at the headquarters of the regional LN of FVG, Senator Mario Pittoni. Through the following link http://www.uglscuola.it/documenti/2011/febbraio/reclutamentopersonaledocente.pdf can read the contents of the meeting. (Pictured in the center the national secretary Dott.Giuseppe Mascolo ).

Palermo 01/03/2011 The Regional Secretariat Ugl School Sicily


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