Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Coughing A Lot And And Has A Bloody Nose

Ugl School Sicily: - Compiling the model on G-.line from March 29 to April 28, 2011

The filling in of the "G" on-line, staff Ata useful for conferring a range of short and occasional supply teachers by the individual schools of all and grades will be 'can compile it from 03/29/2011 to 04/28/2011! We recommend that you follow all the ministerial directives and times available to access the online system, ie 'from 9.00 to 3.29 days to 14.00 days of 4/28/2011!
(photo: - Dr. Francis Palermo and Messina Segr.Prov.di Vice-Segr.Regionale uglscuolasicilia).

Palermo 08/03/2011 The Regional Secretariat Ugl School Sicily


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