Tuesday, March 1, 2011

98 Ford Escortvivbratesruns Rough

Ugl Scuola Sicilia:- Sit-in a Palazzo D'Orleans,domani mattina alle ore 10,30!!! Possono partecipare tutti i lavoratori liberi!!!!

The UGL School FP communicated to all workers free and that tomorrow 'will be a sit-in in front of Palazzo D'Orleans at 10.30. The theme of the protest,' "SAVE THE TRAINING '. It provided a strong participation by all employees in the vocational training that many months without pay and risk not having a stable job and the secure these and other reasons, we invite you to participate in mass!! THE UNION IS STRENGTH !!!!!

Palermo 01/03/2011 The Secretariat UGL Regional School Sicily


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