Saturday, March 5, 2011

Constantly Getting Cold

Peacock appeals to Lombardo, Centorrino: - "Warning! May explode The protest of the temporary-".

The Regional Secretary prof. Bartolo Pavone, Launches' appeal to the Governor of Sicily Lombardo, to head of Dr. PI. Centorrino and politicians in Sicily on new short-cuts that will affect our schools in Sicily! About what ', says: - "In a few days, it could blow up the anger of many teachers and ata precarious as a result of the cuts envisaged by Law No. 133-2008-!!!!-" These cuts could result in claims Pavone- much exasperation among the precarious historical or not, fewer jobs and less income for families with one income and figli.Pavone, continues in his statement very hard - " Non e' pensabile che siano sempre i precari a pagare il prezzo piu' alto, a cui va la mia piena e sentita solidarieta'. Urge,con la massima celerita':-" Istituire un tavolo permanente con la regione siciliana,in modo da poter condividire una programmazione basata su interventi mirati e, che affrontino le difficolta' presenti , future ripristinando l'efficienza ,eliminando gli sprechi e puntando sulla necessita' di difendere i posti di lavoro veri e sicuri.-" Bisogna,anche,- contiuna il prof. Bartolo Pavone- eliminare tutte quelle forme di contraddizione che regnano nel nostro sistema scolastico-". Ma diro' di piu':- Il personale in esubero e' diventato un serio problema nelle nostre scuole in sicilia, sempre piu' compless0 che si potrebbe eliminare mirate.Per with measures such as: -1) To understand why there are each year, a decrease of students, 2) prepared in a very short time a census on the number of classes, split puriclassi all located in the area of \u200b\u200bmountains and small islands using the proviciale staff made redundant, and 3) re-enable all the school cafeterias and malfunctioning which could provide new jobs right on the number of full-time and extended time as in the North of Italy, also in southern Italia.Oggi the needs of the family soo are equal, even in the south there are working families both husband and wife, and leave their children to school in the afternoon is a chance 'is very important in terms of social education and security, 4) Assess, carefully, if all classes are in accordance with European directives on safety in the workplace and not to create classes with many students than the actual capacity etc. ..!!! Peacock concludes with a direct sentence: - "Do not tell me that there had warned !!!!!-".

Palermo 05/03/2011 The Regional Secretariat Ugl School Sicily


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