Saturday, March 5, 2011

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Pavone: - requests for substitutions short of staff Ata be submitted after 18/03/2011 on-line!!

Secretary UGL Regional School Professor Sicily. Bartolo Pavone responded to certain questions asked by staff Ata precariously on the provision of supply teachers by the precarious scuole.I asked: - "for the submission of applications for the provision of supply teachers short or irregular school heads, what should I do?. "Pavone said: -" After the expiry date of 03/18/2011 questions in order to receive an annual charge or any release into the role, the ministry will issue 'a Note that procedura.Le specific questions should be presented through application has failed to have an e-mail Must-mail eletrronica provvedere.E 'mandatory! For now you can only submit requests for new or updated entry for those who have completed 24 months later than 03/18/2011 or for those who are 'already' inserted in the rankings of 1 Go to the end .-"!!!!! following link to know more '.

Palermo 05/03/2011 The Regional Secretariat Ugl School Sicily


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