Sunday, March 6, 2011

Bud Norris Elite Force

Ugl School Sicily: - On March 21, the Aran summons of Civil Service Unions to discuss renewal of the RSU!

E 'scheduled for March 21, the encounter between the' Trade Unions and the Aran Public Employment, for the renewal of the renewal of municipal solid waste in the school division should take place in September 2011, with the old system. In these days, all'aran you are working for law enforcement Brunetta n.150/2009. Brunetta The new law provides for the four contract areas rather than 'eight. UGL School will be 'present in all local schools with their candidati.Garantira' to all academic staff and Ata serving in individual schools the maximum protection and enforcement of existing normavita, the maximum application of transparency within the law 241/90 and LRn10/91. (Pictured segr.reg.ugl school sicily Bartolo Pavone). Go to to find out more '!

Palermo 06/03/2011 The Secretariat UGL Regional School Sicily


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