Monday, January 24, 2011

What Is The Height Of An Ironing Board

Sony lancia PSP2: internet veloce e alta risoluzione

High resolution and fast connection to the web. At this point the Sony to launch its counter-offensive to Nintendo in the portable market. After 3DS - device for three-dimensional games on Wednesday presented by Nintendo - the Sony this week sarebbe pronta a svelare il suo nuovo gadget videoludico, la PlayStation Portable 2 (PSP2) . Stando ad alcune indiscrezioni, ultima quella del quotidiano giapponese Nikkei, la nuova console sarà protagonista del PlayStation Meeting, un evento di Sony in programma il 27 gennaio a Tokyo. Secondo la testata nipponica la PSP2 sarà «la prima macchina da gioco al mondo in grado di connettersi alle reti cellulari di terza generazione». Questo consentirà di scaricare velocemente giochi e applicazioni, ma anche musica e film, oltre che di sfidare online i giocatori di tutto il mondo.
La connessione alle reti cellulari, tuttavia, non consentirà alla console di fungere da telefonino . In terms of mobile telephony, in fact, Sony is expected to fall short in the field with the PlayStation Phone, a smartphone that according to Nikkei will be based on Google's Android operating system, and gaming capabilities will be presented in February. Another feature is the power of the handheld console. The Japanese newspaper about a hardware completely renovated, with a powerful processor and an OLED touch-sensitive screen. The device should then provide thickness, weight and fuel economy along with a high-resolution graphics. With the Sony PSP2 aims to raise its global sales in the mobile sector, which during the period April to September were down 37% to 2.7 million units. This is due to latest model of PSP, Go, widely criticized for the lack of reader "discs" that forces you to only buy games on the internet via Bluetooth and WiFi.


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