Saturday, January 22, 2011

Kidney Stone Stuck Urethra Pain With Intercourse

Torino - Basilica di Superga

Torino 1706. The city was invaded by the Franco-English Louis XIV and the militias Piedmont, along with the Allied troops from Austria, are in difficulties. The Duke Vittorio Amedeo II and Prince Eugene of Savoy-Soissons, which guide the local army, rising on the hill of Superga to observe from the battlefield. In a small church on the hill in front of the Statue of Our Lady of Grace, the Duke makes a vow: If he won, he would build in the same place a large church in honor of the Virgin. After a tough battle the enemy army is defeated and the city liberated. Vittorio Amedeo II's commitment to his faith, entrusting the construction Shrine of the Court architect, Filippo Juvarra. To achieve this complex will be demolished the existing church and down the hill forty meters. In 1717 it laid the foundation stone of the shrine, while the 'inauguration takes place fourteen years later, in 1731.

The back of the basilica complex was hit May 4, 1949 plane arriving from Lisbon ; carrying the football team of the Grande Torino: died in the incident the players and technical team, embedded journalists and crew members. The walls were destroyed by the still visible, as it was decided not to rebuild. Today, the tragic event is commemorated by a museum and a plaque on the back of the building, a pilgrimage of sports and, finally, is celebrated every May 4 a solemn mass in memory of the victims.

Source Wikipedia


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