Tuesday, January 11, 2011

How Can I Watch Digital Playground Movies

Apple lancia iPad 2: in uscita il 1° febbraio

Apple dovrebbe lanciare l'iPad 2 nelle prossime tre o quattro settimane, forse il primo febbraio. L'ultima indiscrezione sul nuovo tablet the Mela comes from Kevin Rose, founder of the site 'social' news Digg.com, which states that it had information "from reliable source." The new iPad, the Rose Law Blog, you may mount the display Retina already seen the last iPhone, or at least a screen resolution higher than the current tablet. Among other features, seems to confirm the presence of a front camera for video calls and a back to take photos and movies. Dell'iPad The first version was launched last April, only in the first month were sold by Apple a million tablets, reaching a total of 28 million at the end of 2010.


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