Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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UGL School Sicily - "Hypothesis of retirement for all levels !!!!-".

publish the provisional data of the likely retirements for all levels in the provinces of Sicily.

Agrigento: 62 AA 70 EE, 94 MM, 83 SS, 7 support (for any ord.e grad;).

Caltanissetta: -22 AA 39 EE, 38 MM, 54 SS, 6 support. (For all levels).

Catania: 48 AA 89 EE, 222 MM, 210 SS, 29 support (for all levels).

Enna: 11 AA 29 EE, 39 MM, 34 SS, 4 support (for all levels)

Messina: 40 AA, 115 EE, 128 MM, 125 SS, 23 support. (For all levels )

Palermo: 49 AA, EE 139, 198 mm, 210 SS, 22 support. (For all levels)

Ragusa: 24 AA 31 EE, 46 MM, 62 SS, 4 support. (For all levels)

Syracuse: 39 AA 43 EE, 78 MM, 59 SS, 10 support. (For all levels
Trapani: 9 AA, 52 EE, 77 MM, SS 71, 11 support. (For all levels)

AA: - School Children; EE .- Primary School; MM: - a high school degree; SS 2 .- Secondary school degree;

Palermo 09/03/2011 The Regional Secretariat Ugl School Sicli

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Coughing A Lot And And Has A Bloody Nose

Ugl School Sicily: - Compiling the model on G-.line from March 29 to April 28, 2011

The filling in of the "G" on-line, staff Ata useful for conferring a range of short and occasional supply teachers by the individual schools of all and grades will be 'can compile it from 03/29/2011 to 04/28/2011! We recommend that you follow all the ministerial directives and times available to access the online system, ie 'from 9.00 to 3.29 days to 14.00 days of 4/28/2011!
(photo: - Dr. Francis Palermo and Messina Segr.Prov.di Vice-Segr.Regionale uglscuolasicilia).

Palermo 08/03/2011 The Regional Secretariat Ugl School Sicily

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Pavone: - Warning! Next week I start 'the second annual' Project CTRH!

due to fly next week the second annual 'Project CTRH!! In a few days, interested schools will be published with the relevant indications and guidelines for implementation. All recipients of those contracts will be 'recognized the full year of servizio.Bartolo Pavone, on what' says: - "Finally, good news! We hope that soon will be 'cleared the other big three-year project would give the opportunity 'to work for at least three years in precarious included in the lists are exhausted 40%, the remaining staff should be recruited from outside lists With external personnel and through the requirements and qualifications held by the announcements .-

Palermo 03/08/2011 The Regional Secretariat Ugl School Sicily

Monday, March 7, 2011

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UglScuola Sicily - March 2, 2011-NOTICE OF NEW USER reactivation function POLIS

via the following link check out the new arrangements for the reactivation users polis.

Palermo 07/03/2011 The Regional Secretariat Ugl school Sicily

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Ugl School Sicily: - Here in previsiome cuts provided for in. S. 2011/2012 national character in high schools and primary schools!!

publish through the drawing-school "Technical school" list cuts possible for primary school and a grade average of 2 in the national character. s. 2011/2012. Go the following link ; ;

Palermo 03/07/2011 The Regional Secretariat Ugl School Sicily

Sunday, March 6, 2011

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Olivetti Olipad 100: prezzo e scheda tecnica

Finally after a long period of waiting for tests and final examinations, Olivetti is ready to launch its new tablet all-Italian Olivetti Olipad 100. New design and many technical features make the new tablet with other competitive products on the market.
not waste time and go immediately to discover the features of the new tablet Olivetti all Italian Italian will appear in the window from 7 March at a cost of 399 € . The tablet

Olivetti shows the Android operating system and uses a dual-core processor NVIDIA based Dual design on ARM Cortex A9 .

The 10-inch touch screen appears with a graphics resolution of 1024 x 600 pixels that enables the most optimal viewing of images and video. You can, in fact, play movies in full HD .

As for memory, OliPad 100 has a memory of 1 Gb ram . The internal memory is expandable through the microSD slot .

A 1.3-Mpixel camera.

As for size, tablet measuring 253 mm in length, 164 in width and 13.9 mm in spessore.

Dotato di connettore HDMI .

Il nuovo tablet con tutte le sue caratteristiche e grazie ad una vasta gamma di applicazioni scaricabili dall’ app store Olivetti, può essere paragonato ai tablet della concorrenza venduti a prezzi molto più alti.

Purtroppo il nuovo tablet presenterebbe alcune imperfezioni a livello tecnico; pare, infatti, che non sia previsto l’ aggiornamento ad Honeycomb per l’ Olipad Olivetti 100 . Una soluzione a questo problema sarebbe stata quella di optare per il sistema operativo Android 3.0 , che ovviamente avrebbe avuto un costo maggiore but at least would allow the tablet to be able to compete with other tablet on the market.

Other features missing are losing points to the new tablet, such as the lack of GPS and support for Google apps .

Source: Tuttogratis

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Ugl School Sicily: - On March 21, the Aran summons of Civil Service Unions to discuss renewal of the RSU!

E 'scheduled for March 21, the encounter between the' Trade Unions and the Aran Public Employment, for the renewal of the renewal of municipal solid waste in the school division should take place in September 2011, with the old system. In these days, all'aran you are working for law enforcement Brunetta n.150/2009. Brunetta The new law provides for the four contract areas rather than 'eight. UGL School will be 'present in all local schools with their candidati.Garantira' to all academic staff and Ata serving in individual schools the maximum protection and enforcement of existing normavita, the maximum application of transparency within the law 241/90 and LRn10/91. (Pictured segr.reg.ugl school sicily Bartolo Pavone). Go to to find out more '!

Palermo 06/03/2011 The Secretariat UGL Regional School Sicily

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Constantly Getting Cold

Peacock appeals to Lombardo, Centorrino: - "Warning! May explode The protest of the temporary-".

The Regional Secretary prof. Bartolo Pavone, Launches' appeal to the Governor of Sicily Lombardo, to head of Dr. PI. Centorrino and politicians in Sicily on new short-cuts that will affect our schools in Sicily! About what ', says: - "In a few days, it could blow up the anger of many teachers and ata precarious as a result of the cuts envisaged by Law No. 133-2008-!!!!-" These cuts could result in claims Pavone- much exasperation among the precarious historical or not, fewer jobs and less income for families with one income and figli.Pavone, continues in his statement very hard - " Non e' pensabile che siano sempre i precari a pagare il prezzo piu' alto, a cui va la mia piena e sentita solidarieta'. Urge,con la massima celerita':-" Istituire un tavolo permanente con la regione siciliana,in modo da poter condividire una programmazione basata su interventi mirati e, che affrontino le difficolta' presenti , future ripristinando l'efficienza ,eliminando gli sprechi e puntando sulla necessita' di difendere i posti di lavoro veri e sicuri.-" Bisogna,anche,- contiuna il prof. Bartolo Pavone- eliminare tutte quelle forme di contraddizione che regnano nel nostro sistema scolastico-". Ma diro' di piu':- Il personale in esubero e' diventato un serio problema nelle nostre scuole in sicilia, sempre piu' compless0 che si potrebbe eliminare mirate.Per with measures such as: -1) To understand why there are each year, a decrease of students, 2) prepared in a very short time a census on the number of classes, split puriclassi all located in the area of \u200b\u200bmountains and small islands using the proviciale staff made redundant, and 3) re-enable all the school cafeterias and malfunctioning which could provide new jobs right on the number of full-time and extended time as in the North of Italy, also in southern Italia.Oggi the needs of the family soo are equal, even in the south there are working families both husband and wife, and leave their children to school in the afternoon is a chance 'is very important in terms of social education and security, 4) Assess, carefully, if all classes are in accordance with European directives on safety in the workplace and not to create classes with many students than the actual capacity etc. ..!!! Peacock concludes with a direct sentence: - "Do not tell me that there had warned !!!!!-".

Palermo 05/03/2011 The Regional Secretariat Ugl School Sicily

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Pavone: - delays the start of projects for the activities 'educational enhancement because' the Court of Auditors has not signed the decree!

In Sicily projects for the start of the second annual 'CTRH useful for the activities' of educational expansion slows because 'the Court of Auditors has not yet signed the decree filed long ago by the Regional Registration BATTERY and 'essential to allow the meetings and the nominations by teachers, assistants and school assistants amministrativi.Questo delay is causing resentment among the experts and more. We must move, otherwise we risk paradoxical consequences!

Palermo 05/03/2011 The Regional Secretary Ugl School Sicily

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Pavone: - requests for substitutions short of staff Ata be submitted after 18/03/2011 on-line!!

Secretary UGL Regional School Professor Sicily. Bartolo Pavone responded to certain questions asked by staff Ata precariously on the provision of supply teachers by the precarious scuole.I asked: - "for the submission of applications for the provision of supply teachers short or irregular school heads, what should I do?. "Pavone said: -" After the expiry date of 03/18/2011 questions in order to receive an annual charge or any release into the role, the ministry will issue 'a Note that procedura.Le specific questions should be presented through application has failed to have an e-mail Must-mail eletrronica provvedere.E 'mandatory! For now you can only submit requests for new or updated entry for those who have completed 24 months later than 03/18/2011 or for those who are 'already' inserted in the rankings of 1 Go to the end .-"!!!!! following link to know more '.

Palermo 05/03/2011 The Regional Secretariat Ugl School Sicily

Friday, March 4, 2011

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Ugl School Sicily - Assumptions of the cuts for all levels in Sicily for a .s.2011/2012!

in Sicily for the planned cuts to. S. 2011/2012 should be about 2,534 for every grade !!!!!

In kindergarten about 81 at regional level in about 969 primary school at the regional level, the average of 1 degree to about 267 regional level in the second grade of junior high school about 1217, for a total of 2,534. Devastating cuts!! (Pictured our National Secretary Dr. Mimmo Mascolo).

Palermo 04/03/2011 La Segreteria Regionale Ugl Scuola Sicilia

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Ugl School Sicily : - The Official Jonica has published the meeting-debate "DEFEND THE WORKING Sant'Alessio organized dall'Ugl School Sicily

L'incontro-dibattito " DIFENDIAMO IL LAVORO organizzato dal sindacato ugl scuola sicilia a Sant'Alessio e' stato pubblicato sulla gazzetta jonica in data odierna con il relativo commento!!! Tramite il seguente link avrete modo di visionare l'articolo con il relativo commento.

Palermo 04/03/2011 La Segreteria Regionale Ugl Scuola Sicilia

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Pavone -" Cut to 19,700 posts. The South and Islands regions more 'hit and all is silent !!!!!!

Il Segretario Regionale dell'Ugl Scuola Sicilia,dopo aver ricevuto alcune informazioni sui tagli degli organici provided for in Law 133/2008. s. 2011/2012 and in the light of new tables of the breakdown of the cuts for the various regions and types of schools found that: - "The regions' affected will be those of the South, including the islands-". Professor. Bartolo Pavone believes you should submit to all the institutions of our educational system a Sicilian message is very clear, precise and with great determination - "The news coming from Rome, says Peacock-related organisms are very worrying, for our schools in Sicily . He continued: - "It 's a long time since I have been saying Sicily does not have the necessary tools to address these cuts .-" It will be devastating for many reasons: -1) refers to a decrease of students enrolled; 2) is expected to increase class size ratio of 0.1 pupils-class in primary school will 'apply the law of 27 hours in classes 3 and then a reduction of hours in the organic functional etc. ....... .- "In Sicily, we will have many teachers made redundant! farewell in role entries, transfers, substitutions, etc. .....!!!!! Pavone continues in his reflection: -" should be set up urgently with a comparison with the Regional Administration, provide a serious full time on existing regional census, those working to make them useful for the malfunction to absorb the excess staff and to ensure an education more 'tailored to the needs territoriali.Urge-Pavone continues in his speech-the maximum cooperation of all. Pavone concluded that end with a very old, still true in our reality '"- while studying u u meducu malatu Sinni Vaci and to prevent and better treat .-"!

Palermo 04/03/2011 The Regional Secretariat Ugl school Sicily

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Ugl school Sicily - Observations Ugl VII School in Hearing Commission "Agency for school autonomy ANSAS!!

publish the submissions made by our delegation on UGL School VII in Commission Hearing - "Agency Autonomy ANSAS school. By Ivette Cagliari Confederal Secretary Sisco and Philomena provincial secretary UGL school Latin. Through the link of the national secretariat you can read the document.

Palermo 04/03/2011 The Regional Secretariat Ugl School Sicily

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Ugl School Sicily - Errata file attachments all'OMn16!!

publish the notice in the errata file "OM n.16 mobility contract 'as 2011/2012.Tramite the following link and check out the new provisions of the law!

Palermo 04/03/2011 The Regional Secretariat Ugl School Sicily

Thursday, March 3, 2011

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Ugl School Sicily: - publish the contents of the protest Ugl

uglsicilia Through our website we publish the interview released by the National Secretary Dr. Joseph Messina of Vocational Training (pictured) on the sit-tin yesterday in Palermo in Independence Square. Go to the site to know the contents of the interview.

Palermo 03/03/2011 The Regional Secretariat Ugl School Sicily

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Ugl School School in Palermo Sicily - New rules on pensions for those who have completed 40 years of contributions!!

Enclosed is the letter prot. 1610 of 24/02/2011 laying down provisions for retirement in the case where del quarantesimo anno contributivo per coloro che maturino un miglioramento stipendiale entro il 31/08/2012. Vai su per conoscere in dettaglio ulteriori informazioni.

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Ugl School Sicily - "Great participation on the meeting-planning Sant'Alessio dall'Ugl School Sicily organized by the theme of" protecting the worker "

Si e' svolto ieri pomeriggio a Sant'Alessio Siculo presso i locali della biblioteca l'incontro-dibattito dal tema" DIFENDIAMO IL LAVORO ". Al tavolo hanno preso parte il segretario regionale ugl scuola sicilia prof. Bartolo Pavone,il membro della segreteria particolare Ugl Scuola e fp Pina Basile,l'avv. Vincenzo La Cava Legale dell'ugl scuola sicilia ed il sindacato Giovanni Foti. In platea Erann many local administrators, led by Chairman of the Board and many local youth and Resorts' nearby. Peacock said: - I am happy for audience participation, especially of young people interested and involved: in the school and our commitment to 'concentrate on increasing the number of teachers support until full completion of the plant's organic provincia.E' necessary to increase the full time and long periods in order to avoid redundant staff, an education more 'effective where there is' lack of personale.Urge for schools to report to whom it may concern canteen facilities to faulty is' \u200b\u200bthat we can act very quickly to bring them into operation before the training of staff for a .s.2011/2012. Emblematic 'was the conclusion: - "I want to emphasize that ours is' a free and independent trade union and we do not want absolutely that the claim of a right it becomes the granting of favors personali.Verso the end of the evening and' then spoke by telephone Giuseppe Messina, National Secretary of vocational training, which reported virtually live on the meeting to the Regional formazione.Giuseppe Messina reported that the UGL training school is working to ensure a reorganization of the sector, leading to its sustainability 'economy and a significant improvement in the quality of the offer. We must also return dignity 'to all those guys who work there and feel completely out of the salary terms. Prof. Bartolo Pavone, a short open a zonal office in St. Teresa Di Riva with the aim of meeting the needs of many that are close together, which will notify you quickly address and opening hours, and for which will be responsible for Pina and Carmelo Basile Cutrufelli training. Large service will be 'taken care of in the Tg of the Tirreno-Sat 14.00. Will be followed' the interview released by the Regional Secretary prof. Bartolo Pavone. (Pictured Sant'Alessio Siculo).

Palermo 03/03/2011 The Secretariat UGL Regional School Sicily

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Ugl school Sicily: - Circular Inpdap on changes to the rules governing permits for the assistance handicapped!

publish Circular No. 1 of 14/02/2011 on with their argomenti.Vai delucitazioni for more on this.

Palermo 03/03/2011 The Regional Secretariat Ugl School Sicily

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Ugl school Sicily: - Activation of new users revoked Instances online!

The Ministry of Education has prepared a new user reactivation function Polis: REACTIVATION USERS REVOCATA.Tramite the following link http : / / you can see all the new rules!

Palermo 03/03/2011 The Regional Secretariat Ugl School Sicily

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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Ugl Scuola Sicilia:- Convocazione-Mercoledi' 02/03/2011 alle ore 9,00 presso l'Assessorato della Pubblica Istruzione via Ausonia n.122-Palermo!!!

Wednesday 'day 02/03/2011 at the Department of Education in Ausonia Via Palermo 122-n will be held' a meeting between the unions and Councillor Mario Centorrino to discuss the following topics:

  • Training Offer Plan as 2011-2012;

  • any other business.

Ugl For The School will participate in 'The Secretary of the National Vocational Training Dr. Joseph Messina (see photo)

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Ugl Scuola Sicilia:- Sit-in a Palazzo D'Orleans,domani mattina alle ore 10,30!!! Possono partecipare tutti i lavoratori liberi!!!!

The UGL School FP communicated to all workers free and that tomorrow 'will be a sit-in in front of Palazzo D'Orleans at 10.30. The theme of the protest,' "SAVE THE TRAINING '. It provided a strong participation by all employees in the vocational training that many months without pay and risk not having a stable job and the secure these and other reasons, we invite you to participate in mass!! THE UNION IS STRENGTH !!!!!

Palermo 01/03/2011 The Secretariat UGL Regional School Sicily

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Ugl Scuola Sicilia:- concorso per soli titoli per l'accesso ai profili dell'area A e B personale Ata.Istruzioni e indicazioni operative!!

publish the following link = norm & id = 25403 instructions and operational guidance for the competitions will only be bound for access to professional profiles of the A and B of the staff Ata.

Palermo 01/03/2011 The Regional Secretariat Ugl School Sicily

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Ugl ScuolaSicilia:- Reclutamento personale docente- Mascolo incontra il capogruppo al Senato della Lega Nord il Sen. Mario Pittoni!!!

On 27/02/2011, a delegation Ugl School, led by National Secretary Joseph Mascolo has met at the headquarters of the regional LN of FVG, Senator Mario Pittoni. Through the following link can read the contents of the meeting. (Pictured in the center the national secretary Dott.Giuseppe Mascolo ).

Palermo 01/03/2011 The Regional Secretariat Ugl School Sicily

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Ugl Scuola Sicilia:- Approvazione definitiva legge milleproroghe.-!

Approval milleproroghe.Graduatorie temporary "thaw." The House of the Senate gave the green light. Through the following link # can read the latest news'. (Photo prof. Danilo Jasmine FP provincial secretary and member of the Secretariat of Messina UGL Regional School Sicily).

Palermo 01/03/2011 The Regional Secretariat Ugl School Sicily