Missione hi tech per Obama, a consulto con i big della Rete "At last we have seen: the most important man in the world has met the President of the United States' announced pierced the satirical cable network PBS version of George Lopez bust, while the background image appears Barack Obama's conversation with the founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg. The technology mission on the West Coast had been conceived by the White House to explain to the country government initiatives innovation and to encourage businesses to invest more advanced even without the direct incentives of an administration already burdened by too much federal debt. But, inevitably, more than a visit research laboratories and factories of Intel Hillsboro, Oregon, to attract public attention was the "Supper of the Titans" which was held in Woodside, wooded suburb of San Francisco, home of the legendary banker and 'venture capitalists' John Doerr, partner and head of the man-Kleiner Perkins Caufield.
an intimate dinner, in twelve around a table to discuss with the president for more than two hours. A relaxed conversation, without journalists around (the ones in the pool that always follows the president has been relegated to the garage at home Doerr). A few rumors, but a couple of photos spread by the White House speak louder than words. Steve Jobs, gave for dying from a recurrence of pancreatic cancer by the National Enquirer , attended the dinner and Obama did sit on his left. The photographer of the White House has taken over the shoulders, neck skeleton in his usual black. Another image depicts the confidential conversation between the president and a starched Zuckerberg. They said the young entrepreneur was angry after that Michelle Obama had said that the kids "have no need" for Facebook, adding that his daughters Sasha and Malia are not on the 'social network'. Some argued that it would present at the dinner in his famous uniform: shirt and plastic slippers. But in the end Mark si è sacrificato come Sergio Marchionne che, invitato a Montecitorio, ha indossato giacca e cravatta al posto del consueto maglioncino.
Oltre a Jobs e Zuckerberg, a tavola con Obama si sono seduti l’amministratore delegato di Google, Eric Schmidt, il presidente della Stanford University, Hennessy, e i capi di Yahoo (Carol Bartz), Cisco (John Chambers), Oracle (Larry Ellison), Twitter (Dick Costolo), Genentech (Art Levinson). I leader delle industrie tecnologiche della Silicon Valley, nella visione di Obama sono gli uomini che possono guidare la riscossa produttiva dell’America. Proprio a tavola con loro il presidente ha riparlato del suo obiettivo di arrivare entro cinque anni the doubling of U.S. exports. The U.S. government is in debt and not much to put on the table as an incentive, but Obama said that the public sector will lend a hand with his political network, beginning with the spread of Wi-Fi and broadband. Endeavor, then, to retrain school education, especially improving the teaching of sciences, from mathematics to physics. The President may also hinted at possible tax incentives for hi-tech companies. Slippery subject, given that in the past, digital tycoon, while presenting itself as a "force for good ', have sometimes used bonuses and stock options in a more unscrupulous bankers di Wall Street. Ieri, nella tappa in Oregon, Obama ha poi «reso omaggio» all’Intel, il gigante mondiale dei microchip e ha «reclutato» il suo amministratore delegato, Paul Otellini, che entra nel Consiglio per la Competitività e il Lavoro, l’organismo della Casa Bianca guidato dal capo di General Electric, Jeffrey Immelt. Chissà cosa pensa Andy Grove, il predecessore di Otellini che ha trasformato Intel in un gigante mondiale e da tempo sostiene che il suo «miracolo» non potrebbe più essere ripetuto oggi, con una Cina «scatenata», dirigista e che non rispetta le regole del libero commercio. Ma sulla ricetta di Grove, condita di elementi di protezionismo, è calato il silenzio. Alla White House as in Silicon Valley.
Source: Corriere della sera
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