Sunday, February 20, 2011

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Moscow - Red Square

The Red Square (Russian: Красная площадь , Krasnaya Ploshchad ') is the main square in Moscow. It is adjacent to the eastern wall of the Kremlin, the Russian president's home institution.
The square separates the Kremlin, the former czarist citadel and current residence of the President of the Russian Republic, from a historic merchant quarter known as Kitay-gorod. Since the main streets of Moscow are born from here and go in any direction (later once highways outside the city), Red Square is considered the central square of Moscow and All Russia.
The name "Red Square " shall not be affected either by the fact that the buildings and the buildings around it are mostly red, or the connection between the red and the communist ideology. In fact, the name comes from the Russian word красная (Krasnaya ), which means both "red" and "beautiful": the word was originally applied (meaning "beautiful") only to St. Basil's Cathedral, and later extended to the square where it stood. It is believed that the square has acquired its present name in the seventeenth century (previously, it was called Pozar, or "instead burned", as the wooden buildings surrounding it were easily susceptible to fires).
On the square there are some historical monuments known throughout the world, as, for example, the beautiful cathedral of St. Basil, built in 1556 by Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible to celebrate the conquest of new territories (the Khanate of Kazan). In front of the cathedral is the monument to national heroes Kuzma Minin e Dmitrij Požarskij, i quali nel 1612 sconfissero e cacciarono da Mosca gli invasori polacchi. Vicino al monumento vi è una piattaforma elevata, la cosiddetta Lobnoe Mesto , che fu usata in alcuni casi per esecuzioni, ma soprattutto per le cerimonie religiose solenni davanti alla cattedrale e per annunciare vari decreti. Interessante anche il museo di storia russa che si trova dall'altra parte della piazza. Tra i monumenti sovietici più interessanti ci sono il mausoleo di Lenin e i magazzini statali GUM.
Il GUM è un edificio di notevole bellezza e si compone di tre piani di boutique di grandi firme. Oggi dopo il restauro è frequentato soprattutto dai moscoviti ricchi. Il tetto è di vetro, inside there are a large fountain and many cafes.
The most famous monument of the Soviet period is the mausoleum of Lenin. Lenin died in 1924 and the mausoleum was built specifically to preserve the mummy, was built in brown granite, in the form of a pyramid with stairs. During the military parade was used as a platform from where the Soviet leaders saluted the soldiers parading.
In 1953 Stalin died and was buried in the mausoleum, and later, in the sixties, his body was removed and placed behind the mausoleum near the Kremlin wall. That Stalin was the first in a series of tombs near the wall of the Kremlin: now all the party leaders comunista (escluso Nikita Khruščёv) sono seppelliti in questo luogo. Dentro le mura sono seppellite anche le personalità più famose dell'Unione Sovietica, come l'astronauta Jurij Gagarin, il generale conquistatore di Berlino Georgij Konstantinovič Žukov, e Nadežda Krupskaja, moglie di Lenin.

Fonte Wikipedia


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