Monday, February 28, 2011

Images Of Holdback Cortains

Bartolo Pavone:- " Caro Giacomo grazie a te per quello che hai fatto for our organization!!

The Secretary UGL Regional School Sicily thanks once again to Dr. Lo Jacono for the beautiful and heartfelt words addressed to our organization !!!!! Thanks him for his welcome willingness' to work with my colleague John Indelicato as in corresponding with the editors ! James, in recent years and 'was our pride and joy.
He contributed to the growth of our organization is in the province of Agrigento, both regionally and working with a great spirit of sacrifice and dedication and it 'was an example for many young trade unionists! Thanks again from all the regional secretariat UGL school Sicily.

Palermo 28/02/2011 The Regional Secretariat Ugl School Sicily


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