So in the end they won them, the guys with glasses, the first of classe tenuti alla larga da tutti, quelli che stasera non esco e neppure domani e neppure domani l'altro, perché il mondo sta tutto nella mia cameretta, nel personal computer, nell'iPad, nel cloud, in quella nuvoletta che adesso tutti ci unisce nel mondo virtuale del web. Ci ha messo mezzo secolo, quella parola - nerd - apparsa per la prima volta proprio nel 1951, qui in America su Newsweek, per fare il giro del mondo e del significato: trasformandosi da "sfigato" in "figo". Ma mica è solo una questione di slang, di linguaggi. L'ultima generazione - la "evoluzione dei nerd", come la chiamano gli esperti - è pronta a cambiare letteralmente il mondo: con quelle nuovissime, pacifiche ma micidialissime bombe atomiche chiamate, For example, Facebook and WikiLeaks.
Take this photo taken in Silicon Valley the other day says it all. There he, Barack Obama, Commander in Chief of the Western world, the president - like it or not - the most seductive on the planet, raising his glass to the table and pays tribute to former nerd and nerd. To his left Steve Jobs, Apple now exhausted the wizard of the disease, and his young heir to the right in the realm of "techies," the king of the web and dell'hitech, that is Mark Zuckerberg. It only Bill Gates, Microsoft founder came off stage now, the first guy with glasses to conquer the world.
And of course, could not be public enemy number, sought all over the planet, the gentleman in the eyes of the U.S. is the bad nerd, the fallen angel: Julian Assange.
Are you ready? Revenge of the nerd has just begun. In a few Oscar night is also steeped in Hollywood that
The Social Network telling, indeed, the extraordinary adventure of Zuckerberg and his Facebook. Yet another sign of the times. The director, David Fincher, Fight Club is the same, the film that celebrated rebellion in the nineties the American exit from the physical yuppismo, all muscles and fitness. The exact opposite, that is, the universe nerd.
Source: Republic
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