Monday, February 28, 2011

Images Of Holdback Cortains

Bartolo Pavone:- " Caro Giacomo grazie a te per quello che hai fatto for our organization!!

The Secretary UGL Regional School Sicily thanks once again to Dr. Lo Jacono for the beautiful and heartfelt words addressed to our organization !!!!! Thanks him for his welcome willingness' to work with my colleague John Indelicato as in corresponding with the editors ! James, in recent years and 'was our pride and joy.
He contributed to the growth of our organization is in the province of Agrigento, both regionally and working with a great spirit of sacrifice and dedication and it 'was an example for many young trade unionists! Thanks again from all the regional secretariat UGL school Sicily.

Palermo 28/02/2011 The Regional Secretariat Ugl School Sicily

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Images Of Skin Growths On Dog

Egypt - Sharm el Sheikh - Naama Bay

The Red Sea has traditionally been called "the aquarium of Allah" and every tourist will appreciate the various facets of his immersion in any bay or inlet. The blue water, colorful fish and colorful coral reefs of Sharm are attractive preferred by tourists who flock to its beaches. The depths of this country, on the southern tip of the Sinai Peninsula are the areas for all divers, but not all. In Naama Bay, there are two important points of immersion, the Near and Far Gardens Gardens, whose main feature is the hot water in any period of the season.

Sasha Hair Dye Is Washable?

DJ Droid - Ideos v0.5 JUMP by The LAB

DJ Droid - Ideos
Version: v0.5
Language / s: those available from the Base
Creator: Maja & udK
Release Date: 27/02/2011
Description : DJ Droid Ideos v0.5 + with APP2SD
Programs included:
  • GMap 5.1
  • youtube 2.1.6
  • Gmail
  • Voice search market 2.3.2 2.1.1
  • facebook 1.5.1


Code: Select All
U8150 V100R001C253B836 su base FRG83
Busybox 1.18.3 + ROOT
App2SD plus
update market
/cust in RW ;)
bootanimation spostato in /data/local
Framework spostato in /cust
Attivata la preselezione in lingua ITA
new Wallpaper Jump
JIT attivo
CIFS per navigare tra i file del PC dal telefono
fix speed SD per migliorare la velocità di lett/scritt con la sd
ricompilazione del kernel per il supporto al filesytem ext4
Fix App2SD [testato da:MaJa, udK, Luigino99,Mandrake2010,ultrakiller]
Aggiunto Cotrollo Processi in backgroung con autokill a bassa memora a 1536,2048,4096,5120,11264,12288
aggiornato completo di tutte Introduced
the app to use Cloud Expert File and silent install
ADB Root
pre-activated init.d
bug fix green line for HD video

fix fix update now receiving recognition BT WiFi fix

fix Domain Controller
Hosts modded to 20 February 2011

DJDroid-Ideos v0.5

Journal Discussion:
[Discussion] DJDroid-Ideos v0.5 & International Forum

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Demokryt Negatywnie O żydach

[Help] Silent installation of Windows environment

Ecco l'ultima "trovata" del mitico MaJa :

STRUZIONI: - [ richiede driver INTERFACCIA ADB installato nel computer ]

1. Estrarre l'archivio ''
2. Copiare gli APK nella directory 'PLACE-APK-HERE'
3. lanciare 'AUTO-APK Installer.exe' e seguire sullo schermo i popup

E' in assoluto il sistema più veloce per reinstallare tutte le applicazioni che avete bisogno di mettere nel vostro ppc dopo una "rasatura" 8-)

Per il DownLoad

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Paddle Attachmentdishwasher

La rivincita dei nerd secchioni al potere

So in the end they won them, the guys with glasses, the first of classe tenuti alla larga da tutti, quelli che stasera non esco e neppure domani e neppure domani l'altro, perché il mondo sta tutto nella mia cameretta, nel personal computer, nell'iPad, nel cloud, in quella nuvoletta che adesso tutti ci unisce nel mondo virtuale del web. Ci ha messo mezzo secolo, quella parola - nerd - apparsa per la prima volta proprio nel 1951, qui in America su Newsweek, per fare il giro del mondo e del significato: trasformandosi da "sfigato" in "figo". Ma mica è solo una questione di slang, di linguaggi. L'ultima generazione - la "evoluzione dei nerd", come la chiamano gli esperti - è pronta a cambiare letteralmente il mondo: con quelle nuovissime, pacifiche ma micidialissime bombe atomiche chiamate, For example, Facebook and WikiLeaks.

Take this photo taken in Silicon Valley the other day says it all. There he, Barack Obama, Commander in Chief of the Western world, the president - like it or not - the most seductive on the planet, raising his glass to the table and pays tribute to former nerd and nerd. To his left Steve Jobs, Apple now exhausted the wizard of the disease, and his young heir to the right in the realm of "techies," the king of the web and dell'hitech, that is Mark Zuckerberg. It only Bill Gates, Microsoft founder came off stage now, the first guy with glasses to conquer the world.

And of course, could not be public enemy number, sought all over the planet, the gentleman in the eyes of the U.S. is the bad nerd, the fallen angel: Julian Assange.

Are you ready? Revenge of the nerd has just begun. In a few Oscar night is also steeped in Hollywood that
The Social Network telling, indeed, the extraordinary adventure of Zuckerberg and his Facebook. Yet another sign of the times. The director, David Fincher, Fight Club is the same, the film that celebrated rebellion in the nineties the American exit from the physical yuppismo, all muscles and fitness. The exact opposite, that is, the universe nerd.
Source: Republic

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Oster Toaster Oveninstructions Dehydrater

Moscow - Red Square

The Red Square (Russian: Красная площадь , Krasnaya Ploshchad ') is the main square in Moscow. It is adjacent to the eastern wall of the Kremlin, the Russian president's home institution.
The square separates the Kremlin, the former czarist citadel and current residence of the President of the Russian Republic, from a historic merchant quarter known as Kitay-gorod. Since the main streets of Moscow are born from here and go in any direction (later once highways outside the city), Red Square is considered the central square of Moscow and All Russia.
The name "Red Square " shall not be affected either by the fact that the buildings and the buildings around it are mostly red, or the connection between the red and the communist ideology. In fact, the name comes from the Russian word красная (Krasnaya ), which means both "red" and "beautiful": the word was originally applied (meaning "beautiful") only to St. Basil's Cathedral, and later extended to the square where it stood. It is believed that the square has acquired its present name in the seventeenth century (previously, it was called Pozar, or "instead burned", as the wooden buildings surrounding it were easily susceptible to fires).
On the square there are some historical monuments known throughout the world, as, for example, the beautiful cathedral of St. Basil, built in 1556 by Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible to celebrate the conquest of new territories (the Khanate of Kazan). In front of the cathedral is the monument to national heroes Kuzma Minin e Dmitrij Požarskij, i quali nel 1612 sconfissero e cacciarono da Mosca gli invasori polacchi. Vicino al monumento vi è una piattaforma elevata, la cosiddetta Lobnoe Mesto , che fu usata in alcuni casi per esecuzioni, ma soprattutto per le cerimonie religiose solenni davanti alla cattedrale e per annunciare vari decreti. Interessante anche il museo di storia russa che si trova dall'altra parte della piazza. Tra i monumenti sovietici più interessanti ci sono il mausoleo di Lenin e i magazzini statali GUM.
Il GUM è un edificio di notevole bellezza e si compone di tre piani di boutique di grandi firme. Oggi dopo il restauro è frequentato soprattutto dai moscoviti ricchi. Il tetto è di vetro, inside there are a large fountain and many cafes.
The most famous monument of the Soviet period is the mausoleum of Lenin. Lenin died in 1924 and the mausoleum was built specifically to preserve the mummy, was built in brown granite, in the form of a pyramid with stairs. During the military parade was used as a platform from where the Soviet leaders saluted the soldiers parading.
In 1953 Stalin died and was buried in the mausoleum, and later, in the sixties, his body was removed and placed behind the mausoleum near the Kremlin wall. That Stalin was the first in a series of tombs near the wall of the Kremlin: now all the party leaders comunista (escluso Nikita Khruščёv) sono seppelliti in questo luogo. Dentro le mura sono seppellite anche le personalità più famose dell'Unione Sovietica, come l'astronauta Jurij Gagarin, il generale conquistatore di Berlino Georgij Konstantinovič Žukov, e Nadežda Krupskaja, moglie di Lenin.

Fonte Wikipedia

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Conversion Chart Redken Color To Wella

DJ Droid v2.1 - Base v2.33 - by The LAB

DJ Droid
Version: v2.1
Language / s: those available from the Base
Creator: Maja & udK
Release Date: 19/02/2011
Description: DJ Droid v2.1 with HTC app2sd + and SENSE
Programs included:
  • GMap 5.1
  • youtube
  • Gmail 2.1.6 2.3.2 2.1
  • Voice search .1
  • market
  • facebook 2.2.11 1.5.1


Codice: Seleziona tutto
Build 2.33 su base FRF91
Busybox [b]1.18.2[/b] + ROOT
App2sd+ zipallineato per diminuire i cicli all'avvio
Inclusi dropbear, openvpn e l'editor nano,unionfs
Aggiornato fix_permissions v2.04
nuovo Flashplayer
Nuovo Map 5.1
nuovo Street
Facebook 1.5.1
New kernel con Sd rw x2 e super compresso
CPU Vdd levels ("undervolt") sysfs interface
Mod menu spegnimento 4x1 con reboot e hotrestart
Fix incluso per rete GSM
Fix plus FPS
Fix Footprint e Flashplayer
Fix 100% battery
Rimosso HTC Widget
ADB Root

DJ Droid v2.1

Journal Discussion: web / viewtopic.php? f = 99 & t = 4654

Read In The Deep End By Kate Cann Online

Missione hi tech per Obama, a consulto con i big della Rete

"At last we have seen: the most important man in the world has met the President of the United States' announced pierced the satirical cable network PBS version of George Lopez bust, while the background image appears Barack Obama's conversation with the founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg. The technology mission on the West Coast had been conceived by the White House to explain to the country government initiatives innovation and to encourage businesses to invest more advanced even without the direct incentives of an administration already burdened by too much federal debt. But, inevitably, more than a visit research laboratories and factories of Intel Hillsboro, Oregon, to attract public attention was the "Supper of the Titans" which was held in Woodside, wooded suburb of San Francisco, home of the legendary banker and 'venture capitalists' John Doerr, partner and head of the man-Kleiner Perkins Caufield.

an intimate dinner, in twelve around a table to discuss with the president for more than two hours. A relaxed conversation, without journalists around (the ones in the pool that always follows the president has been relegated to the garage at home Doerr). A few rumors, but a couple of photos spread by the White House speak louder than words. Steve Jobs, gave for dying from a recurrence of pancreatic cancer by the National Enquirer , attended the dinner and Obama did sit on his left. The photographer of the White House has taken over the shoulders, neck skeleton in his usual black. Another image depicts the confidential conversation between the president and a starched Zuckerberg. They said the young entrepreneur was angry after that Michelle Obama had said that the kids "have no need" for Facebook, adding that his daughters Sasha and Malia are not on the 'social network'. Some argued that it would present at the dinner in his famous uniform: shirt and plastic slippers. But in the end Mark si è sacrificato come Sergio Marchionne che, invitato a Montecitorio, ha indossato giacca e cravatta al posto del consueto maglioncino.

Oltre a Jobs e Zuckerberg, a tavola con Obama si sono seduti l’amministratore delegato di Google, Eric Schmidt, il presidente della Stanford University, Hennessy, e i capi di Yahoo (Carol Bartz), Cisco (John Chambers), Oracle (Larry Ellison), Twitter (Dick Costolo), Genentech (Art Levinson). I leader delle industrie tecnologiche della Silicon Valley, nella visione di Obama sono gli uomini che possono guidare la riscossa produttiva dell’America. Proprio a tavola con loro il presidente ha riparlato del suo obiettivo di arrivare entro cinque anni the doubling of U.S. exports. The U.S. government is in debt and not much to put on the table as an incentive, but Obama said that the public sector will lend a hand with his political network, beginning with the spread of Wi-Fi and broadband. Endeavor, then, to retrain school education, especially improving the teaching of sciences, from mathematics to physics. The President may also hinted at possible tax incentives for hi-tech companies. Slippery subject, given that in the past, digital tycoon, while presenting itself as a "force for good ', have sometimes used bonuses and stock options in a more unscrupulous bankers di Wall Street. Ieri, nella tappa in Oregon, Obama ha poi «reso omaggio» all’Intel, il gigante mondiale dei microchip e ha «reclutato» il suo amministratore delegato, Paul Otellini, che entra nel Consiglio per la Competitività e il Lavoro, l’organismo della Casa Bianca guidato dal capo di General Electric, Jeffrey Immelt. Chissà cosa pensa Andy Grove, il predecessore di Otellini che ha trasformato Intel in un gigante mondiale e da tempo sostiene che il suo «miracolo» non potrebbe più essere ripetuto oggi, con una Cina «scatenata», dirigista e che non rispetta le regole del libero commercio. Ma sulla ricetta di Grove, condita di elementi di protezionismo, è calato il silenzio. Alla White House as in Silicon Valley.
Source: Corriere della sera

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Nj State Temporary Disability

Stampa Usa: "Jobs sta male ha solo sei settimane di vita"

Steve Jobs, who left in January to return to the Apple care, would be much worse than expected. According to the U.S. National Inquirer, which published photos of a skeletal Jobs, the founder of Apple soffrirebe a recurrence of pancreatic cancer, first diagnosed in 2004, and that now would leave only 6 weeks old. The last time it was photographed - "showing a skeletal look," the newspaper said the U.S. - was out of the Stanford Cancer Center, where he underwent chemotherapy for his cancer pancreas l'attore Patricl Swayze, scomparso di recente.

Il National Enquirer ha fatto commentare quella che definisce la foto più recente di Steve Jobs, con lo specialista di terapia intensiva Samuel Jacobson, il quale si è detto perplesso: "A giudicare dalle foto, Jobs è vicino alla fase terminale. Direi sei settimane".

Jobs, 55 anni, è alla sua terza assenza dal lavoro per malattia in sette anni. L'aveva annunciata con una email ai suoi dipendenti, spiegando che avrebbe avuto il tempo per concentrarsi sulla sua salute e aggiungendo che avrebbe continuato a essere coinvolto, nel ruolo di CEO, nelle decisioni strategiche dell'azienda.
Fonte: Republic

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Growth On Thumb Knuckle Not Wart

Apple: iWatch al posto di iPhone Nano?

that Apple is thinking of iWatch instead of the iPhone Nano? A few days ago we talked about the rumors, made from Bloomberg on a possible release of the iPhone nano, a smaller version older brother's characterized by a more affordable cost and free from any phone subscription . Now the Wall Street Journal , certainly authoritative source that has proven repeatedly to be well informed about the activities of Apple, has taken up the issue and has strengthened the argument by providing more precise about the characteristics new device in the house of Cupertino. Given the small size, probably even less than that of the aforementioned iPhone Nano, it seems that Apple is planning to produce the infamous iWatch.

According to the U.S. economic magazine, the code name by which the experts call the phone would N97 mignon, not to be confused with the Nokia, and is characterized by a very thin bezel and free of physical home button.

The probable size of the display stood at 1.7 inches, barely display the latest generation of iPod nano, which comes to 1.3 inches. The resolution of the display would be equivalent to that of the first release of the iPhone, or 480 x 320 pixels , but if you think that is inserted into a small display, you can expect an effect of slightly lower than that offered Display the Retina.

also very precise about the indiscretions price of the device, which could be sold through a free and bound to a contract telephone $ 49, while the MobileMe service would be granted at no cost to enable the mass distribution of services dedicated to the storage device, otherwise very suffering from a very small internal m emory .

Think about it: an iPhone of this size could easily be worn on the wrist and operated by one hand or voice commands. Do not you think that Apple is indeed working on the infamous iWatch?

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Lip Warts Home Remedy

DJ Droid - Ideos v0.4 by The LAB

DJ Droid - Ideos
Version: v0.4
Language / s: Those available from the Base
Creator: Maja & udK
Release Date: 02/13/2011
Description: DJ Droid with APP2SD Ideos v0.4 +
Programs included:
  • GMap 5.1
  • youtube
  • Gmail 2.1.6 2.3.2 2.1.1
  • Voice search
  • market
  • facebook 2.2.11 1.5. 1


Code: Select All
U8150 V100R001C253B836 based FRG83
Busybox 1.18.2 + ROOT
App2SD plus
market update
/ cust in RW;) with cleaning it
bootanimation moved to / data / local
activated pre-language ITA
new Desktop Black Sea
JIT active
CIFS to browse PC files from your SD
fix speed to improve the speed of read / written with the sd
recompiling the kernel for support for the ext4 fs controlled from
Added Processes in backgroung with low autokill memory 1536,2048,4096,5120,11264,12288
updated full-app
Introduced Expert File for silent install and use Cloud
ADB Root
pre-activated init.d
bug fix green line for HD video
fix update WiFi reception
fix fix fix Domain Controller
recognition BT Hosts
modded to January 13, 2011

DJDroid-Ideos v0.4

Journal Discussion:
[Discussion] DJDroid-Ideos v0.4 & International Forum

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Silver Nitre Cervical Erosion

Gardone Riviera - The Vittoriale - Theatre

Il Vittoriale degli Italiani è la cittadella monumentale costruita a Gardone Riviera (BS) sulle rive del lago di Garda dal poeta Gabriele D'Annunzio assieme architect Giancarlo Maroni from 1921 to 1938.
Vittoriale is, therefore, a complex of buildings, streets, squares, theaters, gardens, and waterways built in memory of his extraordinary life and heroic deeds of the Italians during the Great War. Among the Mediterranean olive trees and slender cypresses are the memorabilia of companies placed more daring: the MAS Beffa of Bakar, the Ansaldo SVA aircraft flight to Vienna, to the farthest end of the crossing Puglia reassembled on a spur rock in the middle of the park.
the highest point stands the Vittoriale and panoramic view of the mausoleum, a monument to war dead, where are buried the Commander Gabriele d'Annunzio and some of the legionaries who participated in the company of Rijeka.
In the gardens, confused between the trunks of a grove of magnolias hide the column shafts and dell'Arengo seats, down the terraces and meet the old lemon orchard.
The outdoor theater is looming with the beautiful background of blue lake, inspired by models of antiquity, can hold up to 1,500 people and still hosts during the summer, theatrical and musical events.
Source Wikipedia

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Butterfly Face Rash From Indoor Tanning?

Morocco - Casablanca - Hassan II Mosque - Inside

The Hassan II mosque rises over the Atlantic and is the largest religious building in the world after Mecca, while the minaret with its 210 m height is the highest in the world. The building was completed in 1993, after five years to 6000 there were Moroccan craftsmen worked day and night, producing beautiful carvings, decorations zellij and stucco. The building is also equipped with advanced technological systems, ceiling, furniture, doors and electric heated floor.
Designed by French architect Michel Pinseau, the mosque can accommodate 25,000 worshipers, while 80,000 others may find a place on the esplanade outside. The mosque one of the few religious buildings of Morocco also open to non Muslims, upon reasonable payment means (in 2009 at a cost of € 11.00). As you can see from the picture, is worth a visit and to escape the noise and air pollution in the city and enjoy a fresh sea air.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Please Please Make Me Pregnant

FBI chiude

Internet users around the world in mourning. " Bad news has shaken the fact many fans are accustomed to follow their favorite sports online, for free, thanks to the site . The domain by which you could see for free on the internet all the matches live football, basketball and sports was in fact obscured Department of Justice and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
"The site has been closed - explain the U.S. authorities - because they reproduced and distributed copyrighted material without permission from the copyright holders of those rights." a few hours ago, so it was physically blocked by the U.S. Immigration and Customs, in compliance with a warrant issued by the Federal Court for the Southern District of New York. At this time, instead of matches, clicking on this website appears in a fixed page with a brief statement of the prosecutor and New York over the symbols of the Department of Justice, the federal center to protect the intellectual property and the Department of Homeland Security.