Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Ivf Pregnancy One Week Behind

Mdj Droid L0.3.100901 - HTC Sense - Base 2.06 - App2SD+

BOPP Droid
Version: 0.3
Language / s: All
Creator: UltimoJedi feat udK & Maja
Release Date: 01/09/2010
Description: Fourth ROM for the HTC Sense Legend with Eclair 2.6 + Base + + A2SD

Programs included:
  • Java box v7
  • Plurk v1
  • 2.3.5 Superuser

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Code: Select All
- Base ROM hTC_Asia_HK_CHT_2.06.708
- A2SD + [class microSD> = 4]
- Color System Blue
- FIX APN, the original 2.6 ROM by default could not find the APN
- FIX HTC_CIME, many languages \u200b\u200bAdditions to T9 [xt9_raw ] that the default was only in English
- FIX languages, enable all languages \u200b\u200bin the Base ROM Asia_HK_CHT_2.06.708
- FIX SIM, even in version 2.06 is required to correct the problem of sim on every reboot
- Form tun.ko enabled
- compressions and Optimizations
- New Background Fringe Style [Previous Wallpaper BOPP Droid are ROM]


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